College Park Hollywood streets overhaul gets warm reception


Michael Theis/Route 1 Reporter

Seth Darlington, left, with Wallace Montgomery Engineering, discusses the Hollywood Commercial District Streetscape Project with a nearby resident.

Updated plans for a re-imagined streetscape for College Park’s Hollywood commercial district now omit a planned “fitness trail” once proposed for the project, but they retain significant enhancements to pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure in the heart of the city’s northern business hub. Chief among those design features are new...
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One thought on “College Park Hollywood streets overhaul gets warm reception

  1. Again, the focus is on BICYCLES. What are the ACTUAL numbers of TAXPAYING bike riding residents?
    NO ONE KNOWS because mayor tricycle is unchallenged and (thinks he)does not have to reveal what we as residents of NCP already know- namely the fact that if so many people were RIDING BIKES we would not have the ridiculous amount of traffic on RI Ave. and side streets.
    So let’s build bike lanes everywhere and celebrate his conning taxpayers into ponying up TWENTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS for a city hall that is not needed so that we can marvel in increased crime,traffic, relentless surveillance of homeowners properties and anything else the so called CP city government can come up with all the while secure in the fact that we have a new building NO CITY RESIDENT NEEDS.

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